Thursday, September 13, 2018

turning the world upside down part 2

Turning the World Upside Down - Part 2

This article has been updated and compiled into the book, "Turning the World Upside Down" The Spirit of Homosexuality and the Last Days

This article is part of a series which might be better understood by starting at the first post.

An Inverted Soul 

Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). One way in which this truth is seen is in the triune nature of man, reflecting the Trinity of God. "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." I Thessalonians 5:23

Man is a spirit with a soul that is housed in a body. While a deeper analysis of this is not the focus of this post, the design of man, the structure of the family, and the order of the church are all established purposefully by God to mirror His nature and help us better understand who He is.

The Spirit, by submitting to the Father, allows the will of the Father to be expressed via the Son. Believers, by submitting to the Word of God, allow the light of Christ to be seen in the world. Wives, in submitting to their husbands, allow the identity of a father to be made manifest in the children. The soul, in being submitted to the Spirit, allows the personality of man to be expressed via the body.

The Authority; Carrier of that authorityVisible expression of that authority
  • The Father; The SpiritThe Son
  • The Word of God; The Bride of Christ; The Life of Christ
  • The Husband; The WifeThe Children
  • Man's spirit; Man's soulMan's body
God speaks to the spirit of man via His Spirit. When the soul of man, (the arena of desires, emotions, feelings, etc.) is in submission to and governed by his spirit, he can hear and do the works of God. Conversely, when the spirit of man is held captive by the soul, he cannot hear from God and the resulting expression is soulish, carnal and demonic. 

This inverted order results in confusion and constructs the beginnings of an upside down kingdom.

Turning the World Upside Down

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Many people assume that God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit form what is commonly known as the trinity. The doctri...